Monday, January 31, 2011

Vent sesh

Today was an alright day. I had a baby doctor appointment that went well, but short. I'm 134 pounds and am measuring at a 34. Not too shabby. Only 8 more weeks to go! Crazy it's so close.. yet so far. Baby C is breech (as he has been the entire pregnancy).
So... has anyone ever just had a restless feeling like something is wrong or off? Something needs to change but you just have no idea what? Yeah, well.. that's been the feeling I have been having for the last couple weeks.. and more and more as time goes on. I still need to get this intuition thing down.. I think I have it.. I just have NO idea what it means.
So, I've been stressed out with trying to figure out what the heck is going on. I know that I feel like we need to move out of the condo that we are in.. but we have no where to go. Part of me wants to leave and move elsewhere (as in out of state), but now that we are making friends and such, it's harder for me to toy with that idea. I do like it here for the most part, but I like our friends even better. What is frustrating is that the places we are looking at have to meet about a million and a half criteria.. so I don't think that we are going to find ANYTHING that fits our budget/ demands apparently. That's been hard for me-- having the feeling like we should move, and not being able to. There are so many things to consider. Ugh. Things like this make it not so fun to be an adult.
I have had so many impulsive wants lately! Like my latest one is that I want to take this 14-week dental assisting program. Eventually, I want to get my dental hygiene degree, but I figured doing something like that can give me a head start into a career and a good foundation of knowledge going into dental hygiene. The next one here in Willamette Valley starts Feb 5th. It's every Saturday for 14 weeks.. all day I believe. I'm going back and forth about doing that to myself. Do I want to take on that on top of everything else? (I'm thinking I might not work if I decide to do that)... Do I take the risk of doing it, and having my baby 4 or 5 weeks before the program is over? Do you think I could finish it off even after childbirth? I need help! That way, I could have a 'real' job when/ if I decide to go back to work once my big gummybear is born. Suggestions? Comments?
School is going okay. It's getting harder and harder for me to keep up and stay awake while doing homework/ readings. My grades are still up- lets hope that stays like that for the next 2 months!
I am getting stressed with the baby on it's way so soon. I have nothing! What if he comes early (okay, okay, I wouldn't really complain that much if he did). Oh well. Everything will fall into place, I guess.

I'm grateful for my new friends. Phill and I went over to Kristen and Cameron's house for dinner on Saturday night and ended up staying until 2am! It was great fun.
Does anyone have a money tree I can plant?
I would really appreciate cookies. Phill ate all of mine :P
can I just stay in my maternity yoga pants and Phill's sweat pants for the next three months? That would be AWESOME.
Baby C is currently thinking it's awesome to use my ribs as rattle or chew toys.
Oakley is as cute as ever and is learning to be rebellious. Takes after her dad--Phill :P
Sudoku is still my other obsession.
I want to be crafty and make something.
I want to take a week or something and full on just watch movies and do nothing. How wonderful would that be?!
I remember when I used to have pigment to my skin.. now, I'm so see white.. I can pretty much glow in the dark... it makes me excited for summer to come.
Phill and I have been trying to figure out if our boy is going to have blonde hair or dark hair.
I have come to love country music.
I'm excited for Kristen to teach me how to knit. I feel so dorky saying that :)

Well.. I'm off to graze in a field somewhere...