Sunday, February 28, 2010

Mermaid or Whale?

My mom came out and spent a little over a weekend with me, which was so much fun. It was definitely a productive, but awesome time. We got the finishing touches on my dress (took it to a seamstress), got shoes, got more of an idea with the invites/announcements, ate delicious food, etc. I am really thankful that she was able to come out and spend time with me. This engagement has been a lonely experience without my family or fiance here with me, so seeing her was just what I needed!!  :D I miss my family a lot and am looking forward to seeing them again in late April.
Anyways, I got a kick out of this post that my friend put up. I hope you enjoy it just as much as I did!! :)

Recently, in a large city in a poster featuring a young, thin and tan woman appeared in the window of a gym. It said, "This summer, do you want to be a mermaid
 or a whale?"

A middle-aged woman, whose physical characteristics did not match those of the woman on the poster, responded publicly to the question posed by the gym.

To Whom It May Concern,
Whales are always surrounded by friends (dolphins, sea lions, curious humans). They have an active sex life, get pregnant and have 
adorable baby whales. They have a wonderful time with dolphins stuffing themselves with shrimp. They play and swim in the seas, seeing wonderful places like Patagonia, the Bering Sea and the coral reefs of Polynesia. Whales are wonderful singers and have even recorded CDs.
They are incredible creatures and virtually have no predators other than humans. They are loved, protected and admired by almost everyone in the world.
Mermaids don't exist. If they did exist, they would be lining up outside the offices of Argentinean psychoanalysts due to identity crisis. Fish or human? They don't have a sex life because they kill men who get close to them, not to mention how could they have sex? Just look at them ... where is IT? Therefore, they don't have kids either. Not to mention, who wants to get close to a girl who smells like a fish store?

The choice is perfectly clear to me: I want to be a whale.

P.S. We are in an age when media puts into our heads the idea that only skinny people are beautiful, but I prefer to enjoy an ice cream with my kids, a good dinner with a man who makes me shiver, and a piece of chocolate with my friends. With time, we gain weight because we accumulate so much information and wisdom in our heads that when there is no more room, it distributes out to the rest of our bodies.
So we aren't heavy, we are enormously cultured, educated and happy.
Beginning today, when I look at my butt in the mirror I will think, ¨Good grief, look how smart I am!¨

Thursday, February 11, 2010

:) Much to be Thankful for

I find myself really grateful for so much today. I've been having one of those weeks where everything seems way too overwhelming to handle- even though I found out I've got A's in all my classes, I am able to see Phill this weekend and things are going so well.
I'm so grateful to be able to have the opportunity to be sealed to Phill for eternity in the temple. It's something that I have wanted to do and worked towards for my entire life... and knowing I'm worthy (and of course that he is worthy!!) and able is such an amazing thing. I think it's such a huge blessing that we as LDS members have the church and the knowledge of eternity and the importance of family.
I'm also so thankful for my family. They have been such a great support system as I've found my weak points and made them strong. My mom is awesome and you don't get a better mama than her. She is pretty much planning my reception... she's so organized and always has such awesome ideas (I definitely didn't get that creativity gene). She's frugal and on top of things. I'm lucky to have her as my mom and my 'wedding coordinator' :).
Also, I want to share kinda a cool experience I had today. It might seem like something so insignificant, but I know it was definitely the Lords hand in my life... So today, I was on the phone with my mom in the bathroom and I was shedding a couple of tears from being overwhelmed. This girl comes in and she-you know- does what she came there to do... she's washes her hands and just kinda stops and thinks for a second. Then she turns around and gives me such a big hug. She said... "Just remember I love you even though I don't know you, and the Lord loves you too. Try to have a better day". That's all that she did, and she walked out of the bathroom. (This is just one of the reasons that I am so thankful to have the blessing to attend BYU-Idaho. Only here would that happen!) I was so overcome by the spirit I can't even explain. That simple gesture of kindness and service turned my entire week around and helped me to really put my priorities and thoughts in order. I hope that someday we will cross paths again and I can thank her for her kindness. Thank you, kind stranger.
Anyways, I just know without a doubt that the Lord hears and understand everyone. I also know that everything happens for a reason... and as long as we learn to look for the good in our trials and try to figure out/ understand the lesson to be learned, we would be much happier and wiser.
Also- I'm so excited to have my family at my wedding!!! My Aunt Ginger is coming with her family... I just can't even wait. I'm so happy that they are becoming a big part of our lives. Also, Phill's Grandma is able to come with Jen and Kurt as well! I'm so happy she gets to come! We didn't think that she would be able to make it.
Oh, and only 85 days until the wedding!

Congrats to Laura and Carl on their engagement!!! May you have only happy moments! We love you guys!