Monday, February 21, 2011

eventful week

This past weekend has been quite the eventful one.
Monday I had a baby Dr. appt. My little munchkin is finally head down, which is a good sign. I measured in at 136 lbs, and 34 cm (i think).
Thursday in math class I found out that i got the highest score on my math test in the entire class. I plan on framing that test.
And now...with Saturday....
So saturday started out like a normal day. My alarm went off telling me it was time to get up for work, and I was very displeased about that. I got ready, and went. I had this bloody mucus-y stuff come out early in the day (sorry for the graphic details), but didn't really think much of it. Throughout the day, work got really busy and stressful and I was running here there and everywhere, trying hard to stay with it and be positive. Then I started having contractions that reminded me of braxton hicks contractions, so I didn't think much of that either.. Then they started getting more intense... I would have to sit, or stop whatever I was doing and bend over and breathe through them. I just thought I was stressing too much, so I got some of my herbal tea, and tried taking it a little easier. Well, they started becoming pretty consistent, which freaked me out a little bit. I talked with one of my co-workers that has kids and asked her if she thought I should be worried. She said that I should probably start timing them, and if they become consistent, to give my doctor a call. So, for the next hour, I would time them. They were coming at about 10 minutes apart (give or take a minute). I tried calling my mom, but she didn't answer so I called my doctor and asked if it was something normal being 34 weeks pregnant, or if I should be worried. He said he wanted me to come in and get checked out, because since it's my first pregnancy it could very well be pre-term labor. Yikes.
I called Phill and couldn't get ahold of him, so I decided to wait it out the last hour of work (Phill and I got off work at the same time that day). I got off, and called him again and told him what was going on. He met me at his parents house, and we drove to the Silverton Hospital together. The whole time I was flustered and freaking myself out and nervous and excited and worried... I was stressed out that it was going to be absolutely nothing and everyone was going to think I'm just a paranoid preggo lady.
We got to the hospital and checked in. They put me in a room and had me put the oh-so-flattering gown on (I did get to keep on my mismatched socks, thank you very much!). I had to pee in about 3 cups, and they strapped me to two monitors- one to keep track of the baby's heart rate and one to monitor my contractions. The lady that did it didn't set up the contractions monitor right, so it wasn't picking up on them. They had me press the nurse button every time I was feeling one. I would press the button and she would come in and give me a look like.. "yeah, you're not having one, liar".
My real nurse came in a little later and was like- Oh! This isn't hooked up right. So, she fixed it, and lo and behold, it picked up on my contractions. She was like- "oh, wow... you're not kidding when you said you were having contractions". They were coming in about 2-6 minutes apart.
They did a bunch of tests (which, by the way were NOT awesome. They were invasive and super uncomfortable). After a lot of waiting and not feeling good, they came to the conclusion that I have an infection that was causing signs of pre-term labor. They were able to give me medicine to stop the contractions and treat the infection.
Before I got released, I got this nurse that came in that was from England. She was older than my mother and thought it was her duty to lecture me. She thought I was a high school student who got knocked up, and Phill was my boyfriend. I corrected her snobby, assuming self. She called us 'yanks' too.. but I don't really know what that means.
She lectured me on not drinking enough, not eating enough, and telling me I had NO idea what a REAL contraction felt like because I had never had children before. Uhhh.. okay? I knew I wasn't in full blown labor, and was thankful for that, thank you for the reminder.
After that lovely 10 minutes with the snobby English nurse, I got to go home. I was exhausted, and it was late.. so Phill and I went home and slept. ahhhh, sleep felt good.
On top of all of this, I lost my wedding ring. It came off at work... Yep.. just slipped. right. off and I didn't notice until I had gotten to Phill's parents house right before we left for the hospital.
I just about broke down into hysterics, but kept myself calm, trying not to freak myself out more than I already was. So the search continues, although there is probably no point. It most likely got swept up by the hands of some greedy, dishonest person. Lame, humanity.. I hate you. I feel blessed that Phill wasn't upset or angry at all. He just calmly said he'll replace it with a 25 cent spider ring from a vending machine. Thanks, sweetie :)

I can't wait for this next week to be over. We are going camping this weekend with our friends Kristen and Cameron.. so that should be pretty fun!! I can't wait. It'll be a nice break from real life.
Now that I'm nearing my procrastinating 30 minutes, I must get back to my lovely math homework.


Kristen Larson said...

Seriously, that was a rude nurse! I am glad that everything went okay though.

Hope you find your ring, do you get to choose which color the spider ring will be?

Unknown said...

that's INTENSE! and what a rude nurse.