Saturday, January 29, 2011

jibber jabber

Things are going well, and I really don't have much to complain about.. Today I got to go to this new gym with my friend Krystal and I got my butt kicked with weights. It was awesome. I've never been much of a weight lifter at all.. which is probably why I've never been super strong or toned.. but I'm happy to get into it. I'm super sore, but it feels great! I do miss running.. but I just keep telling myself that time will go by faster than I think it will, and that I'll be running in no time. It's all worth it.
I'm getting bigger by the day, I feel like.. but not really. My belly grew kinda fast and then just stopped. I look at pictures of other girls at 31 weeks and they can balance bowls or cups on their tummies. I can't do that yet! I'm not sure whether to be thankful for that, or worried or kinda sad that I'm not in with the 'cool balancing' crowd.
I'm exhausted all the time, but what's new. I don't really sleep well, because I can never get into a super comfortable position. I've always been a belly sleeper.. and to not be able to do that has been a challenge. Occasionally Phill will create a little bed for me that has a hole in the stomach part so I can lay on my stomach.. I sleep best like that. It's great. Thanks, hunny.
It's getting hard for me to stand for long periods of time now. My back feels strained all the time. It's not used to having so much weight right on my stomach! I try to stand up with good posture and that helps temporarily, but I just get so tense that I get massive migraines that lasts for days. I've been looking into prenatal massages to give my poor back some lovin'. Does anyone know of a cheap place that will do it? OR anyone going to massage school that needs someone to practice on? ;)
School is going well. I'm starting to get in the hang of balancing everything going on. I am getting A's in all of my classes so far.. but then again it's only a month into the semester... Hopefully the rest of the semester will stay that way!
I feel very blessed lately for everything I have. I have been blessed with a lot in my life, and I tend to take it for granted. I have an amazing family. I couldn't have asked for a better one. I have amazing friends. I have a wonderful husband that works really hard for us and continues to grow, and I grow with him. I have a son that I have such an immense love for already I can't even begin to explain. I have a car that runs and gets me from point A to point B whenever I need it to. I have a place to call home.. and a nice one at that, that I don't deserve nor need. I have a body that allows me to do what I want (for the most part). I have my health. I have a cute pup that never ceases to entertain me with her goofiness. I have the Gospel in my life. I have the Lord that has never let me down or left my side even when I have left His. I have the means to get an education and learn more about the wonders of this world and develop my talents (which are...?). Need I go on? This life has dealt me some good cards, and I think it's time for me to be thankful about it and recognize it.
I am stressed, and wish that I wasn't. My mind is full of jibber jabber that competes with each other constantly! Mmm.. that post is for another day and time.. or maybe just for myself.

I'm so sore that it's hurting a little to type. How pathetic.
Phill and I ate garlic jim's pizza tonight and it was delicious. that takes care of that craving!
I look forward to watching Phill squirm in birthing classes.
I had a dream the other night that we lived in New Zealand. I wish Salem was more like that!
Waking up for 8:30 church on time is not working out for me.
...or waking up for really anything before noon, really.
I have lost all want to read books since my psych and child development class has me reading 300 million pages a night.
I'm tired.. I think I'll retire for the night.. and the rest of the weekend... and then maybe for the next 3 months. Hibernation.. here I come.


Kristen Larson said...

I think that you should probably post a picture or something of your cute belly, attempting to balance.. lol, I miss you Alise!