Saturday, October 2, 2010


I can't believe it's October already. This summer has gone by SO SLOW, but September went by superbly fast. That's what I'm talking about! I'm ready for it to be April already.
Well.. Okay, that's an exaggeration. I don't want it to be April, because that means that I'm back to not knowing what in the heck I'm doing. I'm so nervous to have a baby. I'm impatient, dumb, clumsy, selfish... Not a great combination. I keep having dreams that I have a baby girl in my arms and it's so so fun. But then I also have ridiculously scary dreams, like my baby being born dead or mutated or .. that I' haven't been pregnant this entire time. That scares me.
School is going well.. my online class is easy peezy pumpkin squeezy. I got up at 7 this morning to get everything done on time (the study guide due today). I thought it was going to take me forever. uhhhh... yeah, it took me about 30 minutes to do.. and now I'm awake and wishing I wasn't. So, I'm doing my laundry and pretending to do something useful on here.
I am excited for General Conference this weekend. It's a great time to catch up on lost sleep ;) Just kidding, but I'm SO excited to watch/listen. Phill and I were watching talks yesterday about the Proclamation of the World for my class and I love doing stuff like that with him. We always get into good discussions... and I politely and discreetly hint how much I hate my job and how much I'm looking forward to quitting when we have our baby. :D I don't want to talk about the possibility of going back. Ugh.
I'm always tired lately. It's gotten a little better the past couple of weeks, but not really. I get headaches that take over my life now, when exhausts my body. It's so weird. I can't take any medicine for it, (well, technically I can take Tylenol, but I will only take half of one when my headache is so bad that I need ice on my eyes and all lights off, and a bucket for my dinner I will soon upchuck.
Prenatal pills make me super sick, I've come to find. I always thought it was because I took them right before bed, but I have since found that even if I take them in the middle of the day, it makes me really really sick to my stomach. Worst feeling ever. I don't really know what to do about that. I've talked to a couple of friends and they said that since I'm through my first trimester, I can stop taking them if they make me sick. I'll confirm with my doctor on Monday.
Talking about doctor on Monday, I'm really excited for the possibility of an ultrasound. But lets be honest here... I'm not prepared to be super invaded.
Today I'm going to a Beavers game with my friend Marie. That should be fun. It's been a long while wince I've been to a football game. I'm just really hoping I can stay awake for the game... or not get an insane headache as we cook in the bleachers.
I need to go get Beavers attire.
I also want to take a nap before I leave at one. How sad is that?
My newest food obsession is cucumbers with cheese (sorry, hunny. You're gonna have to buy your own cucumbers from now on).
I really want Cheetos.
Or watermelon.
Or coffee? I don't drink coffee and I am craving it. I think that's so weird. It's the same thing with squash. I had never had it before but I wanted it sooo badly. So I got it, liked it for about 2 seconds, and now will probably hate it with a burning passion the rest of my life. Ew, I'm getting nauseous even thinking about it.
Phill went running with me the other night, which was a miracle. I didn't think he would! (Sorry for doubting you). It felt good, but he was going on about barefoot running and how ridiculous it was. Haha, we all have our own opinions. Me, however, I think it's awesome and i would love to do it. I hope that one day I will be able to. As of now, my feet hurt if I walk for extended amounts of time or run without my supportive shoes one. They help me walk right. When my foot was still healing, I would walk on the inside of my foot, not putting pressure on where the break was. Ever since, I can't quite walk on my foot right. I probably look retarded.
The other night I was invited to go to dinner with my friend Tara from work and her friends. I of course decided to go, and dressed up in my sparkly heels, a flower in my hair and my hair actually done. It was so fun to get dressed up. (okay, it wasn't in a dress or anything, but I felt sassy). We went to a Moroccan restaurant. I can say that I had a lot of fun getting to know the girls there, but i will confidently say that I will never eat that type of food again. The hummus was good, but that was about it. Even the bread tasted funny. Aaaand my back was killing me from sitting on the floor for four hours. Plus it was hella expensive. Yikes. I looked at my CC statement a couple days later and found out that our lovely, greedy waiter had charged my card $80. Okay, that restaurant was expensive.. but not THAT expensive. I called and kinda threw a little fit. They refunded me (thank goodness). Phew, I was about to go haywire on someone.
Okay.. I want to nap now.
Peace out scouts.