Tuesday, September 28, 2010 post.

Lately things have been a little difficult for me. Work, friends, life, money, future.
Where to start...
My deep hatred for work continues to grow and cultivate all inside my brain. Don't get me wrong.. I'm so thankful to have my job, and I love some of the people I work with. But retail is NOT my thing. It's really kinda made me hate people. They're messy, rude, smelly, snobby, stupid, needy. I do love some of the customers I've had the fun opportunity to help and get to know a little bit. I don't like working somewhere where everything you do goes unnoticed. You could work on something for 4 hours straight... just to come back from a 10 minutes break to realize some jerks messed it up in 2 seconds without thinking twice about it. I hate it. I have nothing to show my hard work and time that I put into something.. and it doesn't really matter anyways, because it'll all change the next day anyways.
I don't know how I always attract drama everywhere I go. People are gossiping to me, about me, with me, blah blah. I hate it.
I had this one guy that worked in the footwear with me. He's this marine man who thought he was hot stuff and the hardest worker on the planet. Well.. he would never listen to me because I'm a woman. How ridiculous is that?! He wouldn't let me train him, or give him tasks to get done because he thought I didn't know what I was talking about. Psht, dude I could do your job and my job together and do a better job. I know what I'm talking about (most of the time-sometimes I BS it and get away with it just fine) and it doens't matter that I'm a woman. Ugh. Men. Can't live with them, can't live without them.

I haven't had many opportunities to make friends. I'm too shy and awkward, and so is my husband (even moreso than me) so that makes for some ridiculous social situations. I hang out with dudes all the time when they are having their wang time talking about cars, off roading, and man stuff.. uhhh.. can I go paint my nails and complain to someone how fat I am and talk about the fact that my cute gummy bear is currently stretching out my stomach? haha! So anyways, I've learned that there are a lot of flakey, flakey people here in Oregon. I hate it. If you don't like me, or don't want to hang out with me.. that's totally fine. Just don't cancel on me EVERY TIME or.. just conveniently not tell me you're not going to show up.. and I call you saying what the he!! homeslices. It's annoying, and really disrespectful. It hurts too. I already feel pretty alone here, that doesn't help any.
I have met some awesome people though. Phill's best friend Jerry is awesome! He's always over here and we're always doing stuff with him. He's a great friend, and honestly we feel he's more like family than anything. His sister in law Liliya is awesome too. I've been able to get to know her more, and I think I've finally found a married friend that I can talk to about everything. Then there's Tara from work. Friends don't get much better than her. Never flakey, always loyal, super nice. It's fun talking to her cause she always makes me laugh.
So, now that I've expressed how much I had flakes, I do have to say I'm grateful for the people I do have in  my life. I also have my best friend Kelly just 10 digits away if I ever need her :)
I'm hoping to do the Hood to Coast next year with my Dad. I think that would be so much fun. :) He'll whoop me pretty good considering I would have only been able to maybe train 3 months after giving birth... but I don't care. I love doing stuff like that with him- even though it always ends in him getting uber frustrated in my stupidity :) Hehe. Sorry, dad.
Hmmm.. I got in a car accident last Saturday. That was pretty sucky. I got distracted, which isn't new.. but I got distracted at a super bad time. Ugh. Good thing I have an amazing husband that was able to bend my car back into it's almost normal shape. He's so good to me. And if anyone can fix/ build/ do anything with their hands... it would hands down be him. Gosh I love him to the moon and back.
:D I WENT RUNNING FINALLY!!!! It was the best feeling in the world.. It was an easy run with my sister-in-law, but I loved every second of it.. even though my lungs begged for air and my legs burned. It was a feeling I've so badly missed. Now, I have negotiated that Phill will run with me 3 times a week.. we'll see how that one turns out- but I can't wait. I can only do 2 miles right now... but hopefully I'll be able to get up to at least 5 before I'm not allowed to run anymore.
I have my second ultrasound next Monday. I can't wait. Apparently my baby is about the size of a small lemon? :D It'll be way more developed this time, and it'll be able to move it's fingers and yawn. I hope hope hope My little one with wave at us and start saying Mommy. Okay, I know, I'm a dreamer with unrealistic dreams. Don't hate.
Phill will probably go hunting this weekend. I'm excited for him. He loves that kind of stuff.. But I don't think I'll tag along. I get too tired, and hungry all the time. Let me tell you.. I went 10 hours without eating yesterday and just about passed out. Worst feeling in the entire world.
My amazing Sister and brother in law gave us their swiffer and vacuum. AH! I'm so excited. We won't have to borrow Phill's parents every week! If I do like doing one thing, it's vacuuming because I like seeing the clean vacuum lines it makes. Makes me feel accomplished. AND Phill loves a clean carpet, so he always compliments me when I vacuum. Haha, weird.
Anyways, I should probably get some homework done.
soo... kbye!


Tara said...

Aww I'm so glad I can be a good friend to you right now! You're honestly one of the first girl friends I've had in a long while so it's been great for me too getting to know you! I'll grow my chewed off nails so we can paint them together and go shopping and chit chat XD ;) Yay being girls!!! <3

Unknown said...

I like reading your random thoughts. I wish I could make your life super fun, easy and instantly rewarding. Unfortunately, you learn the best through struggle and learning to be uber dependent on Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. They are the source of all that is good and superior wisdom. Family is next. Family will always be there for you. We love you, we pray for you, we have the utmost faith in your.
Love papasito