Wednesday, October 6, 2010

butt shots and revenge.

This week has been a great one so far.
We had our friends Tara, Liliya, Jerry and Sam come for dinner (well, linner to be exact), which was really fun. Phill and I have great friends.
Tara stayed with me that night since Phill and Jerry decided to go hunting. I was so happy that she agreed to stay, because I knew at some point, I would probably freak myself out and not sleep at all. It was a fun night full of girl talk and laughs. We even came to the conclusion that she's going to move in with us at the end of the month! I'm excited. It's definitely a win-win situation for the both of us.
I had a doctors appointment on Monday with my new OB doc. My good friend Liliya referred me to him, and I really like him! I'm good at making things awkward by making stupid comments during embarrassing procedures, like I did this time. I kinda begged him not to do his OB job, but it didn't work. Ugh, not one of the joys of womanhood.
He did measure me and listen to the baby's heartbeat and such, which was so cool. He showed me how to find the top of my uterus and see how the baby is growing. When he was doing that, he was saying how I was measuring a bit bigger than what my previous doctor had said (I then proceeded to get offended and asked if he was calling me fat). He said he thought I was 1 to 2 weeks ahead of what they had told me.
I sneakily told him he is more than welcome to do an ultrasound, and I wouldn't be opposed to it a bit! He agreed, and I happily walked down the doctors office in nothing but a gown knowing I was about to see my child on camera. Yay!
So, he starts the ultrasound and was like WOAH! (In my head, I'm like saaaaayyy what?! is my baby deformed and has two heads? What's going on?!) Then he said "Wow, you're baby is big!". Thank you, thank you.. mah baby takes after it's mama. Anyways, so I'm 15 weeks, not 13. That does make me a little happier that I'm further along. That means that my due date changed to April 1st. I do hope that my little one is born then. It would be awesome to have an April Fools baby. (And easy to remember for family and my husband). So anyways, I bugged the doctor about finding out the sex of the baby because I'm dying to know. He looks and looks and we have an idea, but will find out for sure on November 1st. :)
The rest of the appointment I had the biggest smile on my face and I absolutely loved watching the ultrasound. My baby was moving SO much. It was surreal. It was opening and closing its little hands, and squirming and kicking a lot. Haha, actually to be exact, the baby enjoyed doing flips. Baby C wouldn't sit still long enough for Dr. Dalinsky and I to get a good facial shot. Also, everytime the doctor would move the ultrasound thing, my baby automatically would stick it's behind right there in the way. It had the doctor and I really laughing :)
Just seeing our baby there made it a little more real to me.. not 100% (I don't think that'll come until the baby is in my arms in the hospital), but it was so fun and put me in the best mood the rest of the day. I was really sad that Phill couldn't be there, but I don't let him forget, so that's okay. My revenge is, and continues to be, sweet.
We can't come up with baby names. Good think we have 25 more weeks to go (Aye, that's a long time). I have found that I love a lot of names, but not enough for my child. I over analyze every name, like what people like nickname them, how it could be made into a dirty joke, etc. I want a simple name, but not one that 100 other kids might answer to.. Eh, we'll see. Maybe I'll make a contest out of this.. to entertain my readers and to benefit my lack of imagination.
Tara, Jerry, Phill and I are going to a pumpkin patch tonight which I'm quite looking forward to. It'll be really fun! I think we are going to carve them afterwards too. :D I love October through December. It's the best times of year because you've got the beautiful weather changes and Halloween, Thanksgiving and CHRISTMAS.. and New years.

Who wants to clean my house for me? I sure as heck don't.