Thursday, October 14, 2010

Sickness can end in relief and happiness.

Would you like to know why? Oh, alright I'll tell you. So, This last Saturday I think I go to work, hate my life, and am so relieved to go home and spend time with my love. I'm walking to my super intensely white-trash-80s- wonderful volvo and my stomach starts turning. I figure I'm just super hungry or something. My drive becomes more and more uncomfortable for me and I am sure that I'll upchuck any second. I get home and my cute husband is making me an egg dinner with all the leftover food we had. I was sitting in the kitchen, talking to him.. smelling eggs.. and thinking about eating.. and WHAM. barf. I felt better and was content that I had just made room for dinner and didn't feel nauseous anymore. I went upstairs to finish my homeowork that was due that night while Phill finished dinner. He brought it to me, and I took one bite and couldn't bare to eat anymore (it wasn't gross at all.. but my stomach was being twisted in my stomach.). I run to the bathroom just in time to throw up again. To make a long story short, ever 5-10 minutes on the dot, I would throw up.. even when I had nothing left, acid and bile came up. This lasted from about 7pm-5am. Poor Phill tried to get me Sprite and water and pepto bismol and hold my hair back. He even tried to put my hair in a ponytail for me. aww. Nothing worked. I couldn't keep anything down, nor did I want anything to go down. Phill's brother Caleb graciously came over to our house at midnight to give me a blessing. (Thank you, Caleb). I dont'think I've ever gotten a blessing from Phill before, so I think it would have been a special moment if I had been so focused on not throwing up.
I decided to sleep on the floor of the bathroom because I became too weak and nauseous to move anywhere else. Phill tried to make it as comfy and cushy and warm as possible for me. I was laying there just waiting.. waiting for the Lord to be like.. WAZAM! You're healed and can go eat and sleep and drink water. I waited for forever, pleading that it would just be over. I was miserable and exhausted and worried that my baby would suffer for me eating bad zucchini. (yuck, I can't even think about it). I felt ashamed that I expected so much and gave so little to Heavenly Father. I started thinking about how I earn the blessings in my life.. and sometimes I had to suffer. I just became grateful for my usual health, and knew that this would pass... eventually.
Finally at around 5am, I was laying there and still felt nauseous, but nothing as bad as before. I figured I would go lay down in my comfy, not tile, bed next to Phill. I slowly made my way in there and was able to sleep a while. It was nice finally being able to sleep. I woke up sooooo sore from being tense all night and tired and laying in awkward positions on a tile floor. We didn't go to church.. Honestly I couldn't, but I was so sad because fast sundays are my favorite each month. It's funny going from a quiet, super spiritual sacrament meeting in college... to a family ward where every child is talking, crying, pouting, screaming. They are still meaningful and exciting for me though. Maybe I like them more now because I get to eat while everyone else is starving in church :P
I couldn't keep anything substantial down for the next couple days, but now I can't get enough.. kinda. Phill got sick too, but only for about half a day, thank goodness. My stomach doesn't fit much in it at a time, but it's back to cravings and hatings. My recent craving is mac-n-cheese. Or chinese food. (Good thing I don't always give into my cravings.. I would probably weigh about 300 pounds by now).
Work is going better than ususal, which is good. I got to have a shift with Michelle which was really fun and we got to talk because it was so slow. We decided we are going to go bowling one of these days :) It's been quite a while since I've done that! I'll need the bumpers.
Last night Phill and I laid in bed thinking about all the things I wish I wish I could say to people. It was a good venting session. He helped me form a couple good, and not rude/ job-ruining paragraphs to say to some people at work if they gave me a hard time again.
I really have to say- Respect is huge. And I hold grudges. I had a manager tell me I was a worthless piece of s*** a couple weeks ago. That's unacceptable and uncalled for. That's fine if you don't agree with something for thing I'm annoying and can improve on things I do at work. You can talk to me respectfully, because I have never once disrespected him.. except in my mind, but that doesn't count. Who agrees with me that I should become owner of Dicks and fire him?
Anyways.. I want to finish school.
Last night I went on a 3.5 mile run with my sister-in-law. Ah, best run ever... well.. it was enjoyable. I felt good the whole time, except when she was killing me on the huge hill back to her house. Phew.. I about didn't make it! I love running and I miss it so much. In just 5 months (I think) I can be back at it, and get in good shape again!
I'm 16 weeks! Slowly, but surely, my pregnancy is starting to go by (not fast enough, though). I feel the baby a lot more often now, which is really exciting for me. I'm still not showing a lot.. although I feel like i look like more of a cow every single day. I can't wait for the moment where I wake up and am like.. Where in the holy pasta did this belly come from?!
Someone is at my door... and I've decided not to answer it. I tried to spy out my window to see who it was.. but I couldn't see. Hmm.
Anyways-- I found a stink bug in my house the other day. I covered it with a cup and let Phill deal with it when he got home from work. :D
I want my puppy already.
I think my house is haunted.
And 8 days from now should come sooner.


Anonymous said...

That sounds horrible, Alice! I am glad you are feeling better now.

steph said...

oh my wall, im glad your feeling better but im so sorry you had to be sick so long!! i liked the part about the bug it was very random in a very alise amazing sorta way..i miss you so much and i cant wait to see you soon hopefully!! love you