Sunday, January 31, 2010

the wedding date has been changed!

Growing up, I would always hear of how the couples who were getting married would change the date at least twice. I thought it was ridiculous and I didn't understand why. Well.. now that it's my turn, we have decided to change the date and now I understand why! We are changing the date to May. We are having the sealing on the 7th, and the reception on the 8th. That way having everything on the 8th isn't so exhausting and it can be more relaxed.

Also- I FOUND MY WEDDING DRESS YESTERDAY!! I'm so excited. I thought that this process would be much more discouraging. I saw this dress online the other day, and fell in love with it... so today Megan, Stephanie and I went and checked the place out in Idaho Falls. I got to try on the dress, and it's beautiful. I absolutely love it. You want to see it? Oh okay, fine I'll show you! Sheesh. ;)
It's absolutely beautiful and it fit really well.. just a couple adjustments will have to be made :D
So now the date is officially set and we have everything figured out, the wedding planning is taking off! My mom is coming to Idaho The weekend after presidents day to help me pick things out, and we'll find the EXACT color to match everything with.. and hopefully we'll get a lot done. I'm really excited to have her here! She's super organize and talented with things like this, so I know it's going to turn out amazing.
Also, My amazing friend Sam is doing our wedding invitations for free.. How awesome is that! She's really talented with photography and design- check her out. .. She's great! We are really thankful that she's so nice to design them for us.
I'll be going out to Oregon in 2 weeks to spend the long weekend with my future husband!! I'm really excited to be able to see him so soon (even though it feels like the ridiculous Rexburg winter days go by SO slowly). His dad is so kind and will be taking our engagement pictures hopefully up near Mt. Hood. I've never been there but I have heard that it is absolutely beautiful there. I can't wait! We'll also be going apartment hunting- I'm really looking forward to have a place to call ours and to decorate the way we want it. Phill is so talented with his hands... he can really make everything and anything so we're already trying to figure out what fun stuff he can make for our little future apt. We've also been figuring out ways to have fun there. We're already planning different fun things to hopefully do with the other couples in our future family ward. :) I really hope we'll be in a great ward. I think it'll be really weird for me. I've always thought I would be in a married student ward here in Rexburg, but I'm assuming we'll be the youngest there... and I'll probably be close to the ages of some of the young women there. Wow, weird!!! Haha, that's a weird thought to be running through my head. Hmm.

Alrighty, that's about it! Any suggestions and tips would be super helpful as always! Love you all!


Samantha Hanny said...

Alise! Your dress is gorgeous! You're going to look stunning :)

And thank you :)