Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Why have I been feeling so 80s?
I feel like I need a pick-me-up, because it seems as though my emotional and mental state is declining. I'll just go ahead and blame it on the hormones, I guess.

But, really... I need advice. What do you do when you feel like.. perhaps.. you want a do over? Or, you just feel down and don't really know how to find the energy to feel happy again? I hate being in a slump. It always seems to take something grand to pull me out of it. Maybe my trip home to see my family over Christmas will do just that. They are my rock.

Right now, my beautiful gummybear of a son is helping me stay sane :) I just love feeling him move and knowing and reminding myself that in just a couple of months he will be laying in my arms.

I guess a little update, and a moment in Alise's mind-.
We're having a boy.
We for some reason thought it would be a good idea to add a puppy to our family. Her name is Oakley, and she's a cutie patootie.
I really want to go to school.
I'm actually enjoying work.
I pee my pants at least once a month.
Thanksgiving was different, to say the least. I hope that in the years to come it will be more of a family event... with my mother's cooking involved.
I want to eat 24/7.
It's getting bitterly cold here.
I want a womens carhartt jacket.
Oh, and some thai food.
I miss my family.
I miss snow.. and sun.
I'm about as pale as a dead person.
I want to get a Christmas tree up in my house already!
I heart Christmas music.
I want pie.
I have so much to do.
but I really just want to sleep.
I miss running.
I want a gym membership.
and an electric blanket.
and this cute sweater from my work.
I hate my hair.
I had the best girls night last saturday.
I'm currently in a phase where I'm convinced I want to do a natural childbirth.
I absolutely loved Harry Potter... and the fact that my sweet mother-in-law took me to see it.
I wish I was crafty. Because if I was, I think I would have a lot more fun.. and a lot more cutsie decor.
I want to make something for my son, but I don't think I will because I'm lazy. Lame.
My laundry needs folding. Who wants to do it? Not me.
I heart maternity yoga pants. They complete me.
I love the Gospel.
